5 Benefits of Solar Panels For Your Home

5 Benefits of Solar Panels For Your Home

Do you often ask yourself, is it worth putting solar panels on my house? The answer is yes! Solar energy is exhaustible. You can use it as much as you want, of course, there is a limit to the amount you can store. However, by installing solar panels on the roof of your home, you can use that stored energy that can last for the whole day. Through these solar panels, the solar energy gets stored in the battery. The energy then is converted into electricity, enough to power your whole house. Amazing, right? The financial benefits of solar energy in India can’t be understated, because to be honest, it will benefit you a lot in the long run. So, if you are planning to install solar panels, we suggest that you should just go for it without thinking any further. However, look at these 5 amazing benefits of solar panels before you make your decision.

5 Amazing Benefits of Solar Panels

1.     Goodbye to Geysers

Geyser is a very important part of the household, irrespective of the season, you do need hot water for the most part of the day or night. But you know what? Geysers cost you a huge amount of electricity bill. However, with solar panels, you’ll get hot water first thing in the morning without worrying about a huge electricity bill.

2.   Switch to Day Consumption

There are a lot of household appliances like refrigerators and washing machines that are used in the house 24/7. These appliances use most of the energy, resulting in a large electricity bill. However, with the solar panel, you can save electricity by using solar energy during the day for appliances that are used the most.

3.   Zero to Hero

You’ll be surprised to know that, by installing solar panels at your home, you are not just saving money and electricity, but the environment as well. Using solar energy can reduce your carbon footprint drastically, resulting in cleaner air. How great is that? A little initiative can make a big difference for the environment and generations to come after us. Also, read – Premium Housing Project Located on NH-24 Dasna Ghaziabad.

4.   Costing

Depending on the usage and house’s area, the overall installation cost of solar powers can range anywhere from Rs 50,000 to 75,000 per kWp and can get as high as Rs 1,000,00. While looking at the amount it might seem like a huge investment at first, however, with time you’ll see the financial benefits of solar energy.

5.    Installation

There are no special requirements one needs when considering installing solar panels. All you need is a house with an open roof where sun’s rays can fall directly on the panels. You can contact your electricity provider in the area and can get solar panels installed in no time. The government is even providing subsidies to people who are opting for solar energy. Also, read – 5 Things To Keep In Mind When Purchasing A New Flat.

If you are looking for a new 2BHK or 3BHK flats in Ghaziabad that has solar power back up then Suncity Royal Castle could be the one for you. They provide amazing and spacious 2BHK and 3BHK flats that come with great facilities and amenities. Suncity Royal Castle is installed with eco-friendly substances and believes in going green. Also read – 3 BHK Flats for Sale in Dasna, Ghaziabad.

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